iPhone app

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Knowing what your blood sugar levels are often isn’t enough. You need to know where you are in your insulin cycle to be able to accurately adjust your carb and fast acting insulin intake. Insulin Cycle Tracker takes care of that for you.

Keeping your blood sugar levels under control is the key to long term health for a type 1 diabetic. With this new insulin tracker you now have a way to keep track of where you are in your insulin cycle. With gentle reminders of what action you may need to take to maintain good health and better blood sugar levels.

Simply take your insulin and hit the Start Timer button to begin getting notifications that tell you exactly where you are in your insulin cycle.

One less thing to worry about. Peace of mind so you can get on with your day.

Handy countdown timer so you know exactly when your last insulin dose was taken.
Three notifications, at 1, 2 and 4 hours, to remind you where you are in your insulin cycle and if you need to take action.

Please note: This app uses timing for Novolog/Novorapid fast acting insulin with a life cycle of approximately 4 hours and is for guidance only and should not be construed as medical advice.




No More Panic is a unique way to overcome anxiety and panic attacks that really works and does not require courage or willpower, just a true desire to be free.

From Nicola Quinn, one of Europe’s leading anxiety experts and author of the widely acclaimed Life Without Panic Attacks who’s been helping people overcome panic attacks and anxiety for over 20 years.

“Let me take you by the hand and teach you the simple technique that freed me from 18 years of panic attacks in just 7 days. Then when you’re ready we’ll take a gentle walk together. There’s audio to listen to while you’re out so I’ll be with you every step of the way.

You can chart your progress and take photos to post to my secret Facebook group where you will get further support. You can email me from within the app at any time. And I’ve even included a copy of my book Life Without Panic Attacks for you to read.

With my method you’ll overcome bad feelings before you even go out. I would never expect you to do anything I couldn’t do, and I wasn’t brave, so I understand completely how you feel.

Come with me and take this journey to freedom. I just wish I’d had this app when I was suffering, it would have been over so much quicker!”

*Instructional videos and audios
*Copy of my book Life Without Panic Attacks
*Map to track progress of each walk
*Accompanying audio while out
*Take photos from within app
*Access to secret Facebook group for ongoing support
*Record of past walks
*Badges to collect to celebrate milestones
*Email me at any time

Download No More Panic today. It will be like having your own personal therapist with you at all times!


